Setting up your personal web page on the Computer Science Department's web server is not hard to do, but it does require several steps to insure that it will work correctly. Follow each of the instructions given below carefully, and you should have no problems.

Your home page will actually reside in your UNIX home directory, in a subdirectory called public_html, so we will begin by creating that directory. Use your favorite SSH utility to connect to server. From the server prompt, type the following commands:

servername$ cd
servername$ mkdir public_html

Next, change the access permissions on the public_html directory AND your home directory so that the http server can access the files in the directory.

servername$ chmod go+x .
servername$ chmod go+x ./public_html

The default file that the http server looks for in a directory is index.html -- this lets you, for example, use the URL http://www.cs.uah.edu/~username/. So, change to your public_html directory and create a file called index.html.

servername$ cd public_html
servername$ touch index.html

The UNIX command touch just creates an empty file, so you will need to add the html commands for your home page to this file using your favorite text editor, or a WYSIWYG editor; both are available on the PCs. Ok, you are almost done... Set the permissions on your .html files and image files so that everyone can read them.

servername$ chmod 644 *

If you have questions after reading this you can email the webmaster at webmaster@cs.uah.edu. Make sure you state your full real name and logon name in the email!
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