

Class Resources


CS-100 In-Class Project Seven: Simple Calculations


  1. Download the VB Form for this program from the website: Calculations Form
  2. Write VB statements that will calculate the average speed for part one:
    • Average Speed = Distance divided by Elapsed Time
    • Take the values entered into the text boxes for Distance and Time
    • Then compute Average Speed and print it to the picture box.
    • The calculation takes place when the compute command button is pressed.
  3. Write VB statements that will calculate the tax for part two:
    • Tax = Total times Tax Rate
    • Take the values entered into the text boxes for Total and Tax Rate
    • Then compute Tax and print it to the picture box.
    • The calculation takes place when the compute command button is pressed.
  4. Write VB statements that will calculate the area for part three:
    • Area = PI times the square of the Radius where PI = 3.14159
    • Take the values entered into the text box for Radius
    • Then compute Area and print it to the picture box.
    • The calculation takes place when the compute command button is pressed.
  5. In each case the clear command button clears the contents of the picture box and the text boxes.