Service Activities
These are a few of my service activities in connection with my professional position.
Serving the University
- Served as Faculty Senate representative, Vice-President, President, and chair for several different committees, 1994-2007, 2016-2018.
- Honors Council member, 2003-2009, chair 2009-2014.
- Reader at Commencement ceremonies, for the College of Science, 2009-2014.
- Governance Chair (Audit Subcommittee) during university-wide Southern Association of College and Schools (SACS) Accreditation process, 2004-2006.
- University Review Board (promotion and tenure committee), chair, 2002-2004.
- Member of the Faculty Appeals Committee, University Judicial Board, Institutional Review Board, Student Affairs Advisory Board, etc.
- Member of the Graduate Council, 1992-96, 2000-2004.
- Served on several search committees for top-level administrators.
- Served on several reappointment and tenure/promotion committees for College of Nursing and College of Engineering.
Serving the College of Science
- Served as chair of Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, 2004-2005.
- Judge for regional science fair and College's Science Olympiad.
- Gave presentations at several recruitment events.
Serving the Department
- Served as faculty advisor to Charger ACM (student computer club), 2006-2009.
- Coordinator for Master's comprehensive exam several times.
- Served on several re-appointment, tenure and promotion committees.
Serving the community
- Member, Articulation and General Studies Committee, Interdisciplinary/Honors/Innovative Committee, 2010-2014 .
- Member of Higher Education Advisory Board, New Century Technology High School, 2010-2013.
Serving the profession
- Member, Associaton for Computing Machinery (ACM) and IEEE Computer Society.
- Member, Tau Beta Pi (national engineering honor society), Sigma Xi (national science honors society) and Phi Kappa Phi (national honor society).
- Served the International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) since its inception, variously as General Chair, Program Chair, Editorial Board, and Program Committee, 1993-present. Organized 12th ICCS 2004 in Huntsville.
- Represented UAHuntsville and the U.S. in international standards development for the ANSI DM32.8 committee on metadata and knowledge interchange, 2003-2008, including hosting one of their international meetings in Huntsville.
- Editor, ISO/IEC 24707:2007 - Common Logic (CL): a framework for a family of logic-based languages, Intl. Organization of Standards, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007.
- Chaired and organized the International Pragmatic Web Conference, 2006-2008.
- Reviewer for several technical journals, including IEEE Software, Wiley Handbooks, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engr., Applied Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, etc.
Last modified Wednesday, December 27, 2017