Research Activities

Knowledge Acquisition


Conceptual Modeling

For a number of years, I have been engaged in various conceptual modeling projects and research efforts. Most of these projects use conceptual graphs. While I have done some work advancing fundamentals in the state of the art, most of my work has been in applying conceptual graphs to actual knowledge-intensive domains.

Conceptual Structures Community

Software Processes and Practices

In collaboration with Aldo de Moor, we have explored formal models of software development processes and practices, with the goal of identifying areas where process and practice do not match. Our initial explorations have been focused on software requirements development and we continue to explore this area of research.

I am also a member of the software engineering faculty who support the Master of Science in Software Engineering, and other software engineering activities.

Team Mental Models

I previously have collaborated with a multidisciplinary research team exploring the notion of mental models, especially with respect to how they affect the effectiveness of teams. We obtained a small URII (UAH-local) grant and published some of our work.

Common Logic and International Standards

(Last modified December 29, 2017)